Key fact
There are 55,600 residents of Stockport aged 65 and over. Of these 7,400 are aged 85 or over. By 2025 these age groups are projected to grow to 66,500 and 11,000 respectively. Stockport’s population is older than the England average.

Hospital admissions
28,754 per 100,000 emergency admissions

2,748 per 100,000 emergency admissions
11,400 with history of falling

2,700 with dementia

Long term conditions
20% with 2 or more conditions

33% live alone

Health and wellbeing
50% have a long term health problem or disability
Key information
- 33% of older people in Stockport live on their own leading to the danger of social isolation and vulnerability.
- 11,400 people in Stockport have a history of falling, a key risk for loss of independence.
- By age 65, 58% of the population have one long term health condition, 20% have two or more. By age 85 the proportion rises to 87% for one and 53% for two or more long term conditions.
- The frequency of use of hospital care increase significantly from age 65 onwards.
- 2,700 people have been diagnosed with dementia in Stockport.
Key issues for commissioners
- Support healthy ageing across Stockport, recognising that preventative approaches that promote self care and independence are essential at every life stage.
- Prevent and delay the need for care whilst responding to the complexity of needs that older people with multiple long term conditions may have.
- Provide services and housing that are suitable for the changing needs of an ageing population and those with specialist needs.
- Improve the identification of and support available to those with dementia and their carers.