About JSNA

The 2015/16 Joint Strategic Needs’ Assessment (JSNA) is part of an ongoing JSNA process which develops a shared understanding of health and care needs in Stockport.
It uses intelligence to identify priorities to help local partners work together to deliver change which improves the health and wellbeing of people in Stockport and reduces health inequalities – the JSNA is not an end in itself.
The 2015/16 JSNA will be used to underpin the development of the revised Stockport Health and Wellbeing Strategy by the Health and Wellbeing Board in 2016/17.
The Health and Wellbeing Strategy will set out the ways in which partners across Stockport plan to make change over the next three years to address the priorities identified by the JSNA.
Evidence from the JSNA will also be used to directly influence the commissioning of health, social care and preventative services by Stockport Council and Stockport Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).
More widely, the evidence from the JSNA will be used to set the context for Stockport, helping to shape the ambitions for the locality within the Greater Manchester Healthier Together and Devolution programmes and providing an evidence base for councillors and other key decision makers.
The 2015/16 JSNA has been produced in partnership, under the leadership of the Health and Wellbeing Board, as one of its statutory duties, with the particular involvement of Stockport Council, Stockport HealthWatch and Stockport CCG (more about the process is also available).
The publication of the 2015/16 JSNA Summary is part of an ongoing JSNA process and work is already underway on a number of future projects. Each new report or profile will be released on this website and stakeholders alerted to the key new findings.