Health and Social Care Service Use
Key facts
There are 97,000 inpatient admissions by Stockport residents a year, almost 40,000 of these are emergencies with rates rising significantly over the last ten years. There are also 94,000 A&E attendances a year.

97,000 Inpatient admissions
Rates rising (36% in 10 years).
Increase particularly in older age.
Significant inequalities profile.

94,000 A&E attendances
Rates rising (13% in 7 years).
High levels of admission as a result of A&E attendance (30%).

11,000 people in contact with Mental Health Services
5% are inpatients.
Rates rising (39% in 6 years) for non-inpatients.

39,700 Emergency admissions
Rates rising (47% in 10 years).
Stockport benchmarks poorly.

483,600 Outpatient appointments attended
Rates rising (11% in 3 years).
Stockport benchmarks poorly on follow-up ratio indicator.

8,455 Adult Social Care clients
Rates relatively flat after fall between 2007-11.
Rise in dementia client group.

46,300 Planned admissions
Rates rising (25% in 10 years).
Only 60% of activity is at main provider (Stepping Hill Hospital).

543,000 Community contacts - 245,600 District nursing
District nursing contacts up 13% in 2 years.
Linked to ageing population.
Demand expected to increase.

700,000 + Primary Care contacts
Prescribing volumes are increasing.
Dental access is better than average.
Key information
- The frequency of use of hospital care – inpatient, outpatient and A&E, increases with age, and rates increase significantly from age 65 onwards
- Levels of hospital use have increased over the last decade, and Stockport benchmarks highly, especially for use of emergency care
- There are more than 245,000 district nurse contacts in Stockport each year, numbers have increased 13% in two years
- Stockport currently has rates of adult social care clients that are higher than the national average.
- The client need profile has also changed over the last decade with a rise in needs relating to dementia.
Key issues for commissioners
- Integrate and improve care systems, especially minimising the use of unplanned hospital care – ensuring that the healthy economy is sustainable and prevention focussed.
- Reduce the burden on health and social care services by adopting a whole systems approach to reducing smoking, alcohol consumption and obesity as the key causes of preventable ill health and early death.
- Identifying mental well being as a key driver of physical health and independence will also reduce service need.
- Continue to improve the identification of and support available to those with dementia and their carers.